Hello and welcome,
Industry friends and colleagues.
The Williams Network Management Event, or as it’s better known, simply ‘The Williams Event’, is an informal gathering of folks from the securities services world who come together to share stories, engage with old friends and make new contacts, in convivial, very informal surroundings.
It’s a Powerpoint-free zone and whilst it’s a great place to forge new relationships, any visitor new to the Williams will quickly realise that work-related discussions are much more constructive – and memorable – held at a later date, in a working environment… Needless to say, any and all conversations take place under Chatham House rules.
This website has been created to highlight the networking opportunities offered by The Williams Event, which has morphed from humble beginnings to become a global networking event for securities services professionals – and one which I’d strongly encourage the next generation of our industry to participate in.
On the following pages you’ll see a history of the Williams event along with a page- by-page guide to the various Williams events taking place around the world – the relevant hosts will be delighted to hear from you and welcome you to their event. If you have any comments or suggestions on the event generally, do let me know via the contact details below.
Whilst my role is as a central point of contact and general co-ordinator, you’ll see under our Event pages the names and contact details of the integral industry participants who generously give their time to host these events, I’d encourage to seek them out and engage with them when you attend.
Travel well and keep safe.
Paul A. Chapman
Managing Director
HornbyChapman Ltd.
Specialists in senior post-trade recruitment
Tel: +44 (0) 203 907 7740
Mob: +44 (0) 775 374 8397
Email: paul@hornbychapman.com